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Artikel-artikel mengenai Nuclear tests

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Visitors to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum in Hiroshima view a large-scale panoramic photograph of the destruction following the 1945 bombing. Carl Court/Getty Images

Hiroshima attack marks its 78th anniversary – its lessons of unnecessary mass destruction could help guide future nuclear arms talks

The United States and Russia, the two biggest nuclear powers, have no imminent plans for talks on a nuclear deal. That should change, writes a former US diplomat.
South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeol is only the second leader to travel to the U.S. for a state visit during the Biden administration. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

US-South Korea nuclear weapons deal – what you need to know

The ‘Washington Declaration’ unveiled during the state visit by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol gives Seoul a greater role in coordinating a nuclear response strategy.
Hundreds of nuclear weapons have been tested by the U.S. since WWII, but newer science has replaced the need for live detonations. Galerie Bilderwelt / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

A restart of nuclear testing offers little scientific value to the US and would benefit other countries

Seventy-five years after the first nuclear detonation and nearly 30 years since testing was banned, the US is considering resuming live nuclear testing.
Pedestrians in Tokyo pass a television screen broadcasting a report on May 4, 2019 that North Korea has fired several unidentified short-range projectiles into the sea off its eastern coast. AP Photo/Koji Sasahara

What geology reveals about North Korea’s nuclear weapons – and what it obscures

North Korea is a major military threat to the US and its Asian allies, but exactly how powerful are its nuclear weapons? An earth scientist explains why it’s hard to answer this question.

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