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Artikel-artikel mengenai Oil and gas

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An oil worker stands on the deck of a tanker at Bonga off-shore oil field outside Lagos. Africa’s extractive industries are committed to local content but universities aren’t producing the right kind of graduates. Reuters/Akintunde Akinleye

Why local content in Africa’s extractive sector won’t work without home grown human capital

Huge investments have been made to develop Africa’s extractive industry. The challenge now is to forge collaboration between the industry and institutions of higher education to build a skills base.
Offshore oil is not just a risk to the environment – if the world gets serious about mitigating climate change, these resources risk becoming stranded assets. Green Fire Productions/Flickr

Big oil’s offshore scramble is risky business all round

Big oil companies are moving to exploit new resources such as the Arctic or the Great Australian Bight. But are they worth the risk?
Stuck in transit: The Keystone Pipeline proposal has become a symbol for politicians and environmentalists. Shannon Ramos/Flickr

Despite rhetoric, climate change ranks low in public’s Keystone pipeline worries

Public opinion poll on Keystone pipeline shows more people are concerned with local issues – including the impact of spills on environment and aquifers – than with global warming.
The Kulluk, Shell’s Arctic offshore drilling platform, was grounded in 2013 after efforts by the US Coast Guard and tug vessel crews to move the vessel to a safe harbor during a winter storm. Zachary Painter/ US Coast Guard/

US permits Arctic drilling, but questions about safety remain

Shell is going back to the Arctic to explore offshore drilling, but the company and the Department of Interior are not using the best practices for avoiding the risk of a spill.
This derailed oil-carrying train in Ontario in March was the third from a single freight company in a month. Reuters

Despite disasters, oil-by-rail transport is getting safer

Derailed train cars carrying oil have more communities concerned about spills. What’s behind the oil-by-rail boom and a federal agency’s ‘urgent’ call last week for better safety?
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska has for decades been a center of debate on the tradeoffs between environmental protection and oil drilling. Alaska Region US Fish & Wildlife Service

Can Americans have both environmental preservation and expanded oil drilling?

In a few months, we will mark the five-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The accident released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, causing extensive impacts on the marine…
A natural gas well in Bradford County, PA. Reuters

The false promise of fracking and local jobs

In a surprise decision that led to consternation in the oil and gas industry and elation among fracking opponents, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in December banned fracking in the state. He attributed…
Oil drillers in North Dakota flares natural gas, but much of it – a potent greenhouse gas – escapes into the atmosphere. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Will Obama’s ‘fugitive methane’ plan reduce or increase our dependence on natural gas?

Like many Americans concerned with climate change and energy security, I reacted with high hopes to the President Obama’s proposal to reduce leaks of methane gas from oil and gas drilling. But on closer…
Leaving Europe behind? Mikhail Metzel/EPA/Ria Novosti

Why Russia isn’t abandoning Europe for Chinese gas revenue

Much has been made of the agreement signed by Moscow and Beijing to get gas flowing from western Siberia to China. There is talk of Russia using the deal to offset its isolation from the west and circumventing…

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