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Artikel-artikel mengenai Online security

Menampilkan 61 - 80 dari 92 artikel

Apple computers could be at risk from the latest Bash bug. Flickr/Oliver

Shell shocked – but what should you do about the Bash bug?

A serious security flaw has been discovered in a ubiquitous utility program present on a wide variety of important computer systems, including many Unix-based servers and Macintosh desktop computers. “Shell…
Does anyone have an easier question? EPA/Drew Angerer

NSA surveillance is a clear threat to journalism in America

Digital mass surveillance is having a chilling effect on US democracy, affecting journalists and lawyers, a report from human rights organisations has warned. The report, by Human Rights Watch and the…
A grid of human faces could be our next line of defence in protecting identity. Jesper Dyhre Nielsen/Flickr

Is Facelock the password alternative we’ve been waiting for?

One of the problems with using passwords to prove identity is that passwords that are easy to remember are also easy for an attacker to guess, and vice versa. Nevertheless, passwords are cheap to implement…
Zeus is coming. Not the cool one. ElDave

Two weeks to stop Gameover Zeus: what you need to know

It’s little wonder that computer experts are warning that computer users could be experiencing “notification fatigue” after the past few weeks. But even if you’re feeling overwhelmed following the Heartbleed…
What do you mean ‘IHATECAT’ is not a strong password? konsvi

Four steps to a simpler, safer password system

Several high-profile security breaches have, of late, got many people wondering about their passwords. It would be great news if I could tell you a perfect sure-fire system to manage your passwords; the…
You could hire an army to protect yourself. Or just do your research. Michael Li

Malware is everywhere so watch out for the fake healers

There is nothing worse than having a fake healer offer a cure that does absolutely nothing. History is full of tales of frauds and quacks offering a cure for all, which eventually turn out to be nothing…
Popular web browser Internet Explorer the target for the latest security vulnerability. Flickr/Hash Milhan

With bugs in the system how safe is the internet?

It seems hardly a week goes by without a major cyber security flaw exposed that could be exploited across millions of internet and mobile connected devices. This week it was the Internet Explorer browser’s…
Take a duster to your password collection. It’s as good a time as any. Karen Blakeman

Don’t panic about Heartbleed but have a spring clean anyway

The web is full of scare stories about the Heartbleed security vulnerability but panicking won’t help. Better to use this situation as an opportunity to clean up our acts. Few of us do it but we should…
Don’t break your heart over this issue but stay secure. Optx

Explainer: should you change your password after Heartbleed?

If you’re struggling to understand the deluge of information about the Heartbleed vulnerability, you’re not alone. Some reports tell us to change all our online passwords immediately, others warn us that…
Can you spot your Facebook data? National Security Agency

Obama’s reformed NSA may look much the same as before

President Obama faced a difficult task in his speech on reform of the NSA’s surveillance activities. As an accomplished orator, crafting a well-received speech was obviously within his capabilities, but…
Cyber-security takes more than cautious laptop ownership. sridgway

UK trails European neighbours on cyber-security

To my amazement, the latest Eurobarometer survey on Cyber Security across Europe received very little attention in the UK, despite its quite revealing findings. The report shows in no uncertain terms that…
Like butter wouldn’t melt: Francis Maude thinks we’re doing pretty well on cybersecurity. Cabinet Office

The UK government is working in a Snowden-free bubble

Anyone who took the time to read the UK government’s latest update on its cybersecurity strategy could be forgiven for thinking that a man called Edward Snowden never existed. Most people who are even…

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