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Artikel-artikel mengenai Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Menampilkan 121 - 140 dari 168 artikel

The South African government should consider other options to raise revenue instead of the proposed increase in VAT. shutterstock

OECD survey strengthens case against VAT increase in South Africa

South Africa’s left wing trade unions may have found an unlikely ally in their objection to the proposed VAT hike. The OECD says there are other options South Africa could consider to raise revenue.
Australian aid can make a difference to the lives of millions – but there are few votes and little media interest in it, so it’s an easy target for budget cuts. John Bransby/Department of Foreign Affairs

A fair budget? Not for the poor losing Australian aid in record cuts

Foreign aid will fall to close to 90 cents in every A$100 of federal government spending in the 2015 budget – its lowest level ever.
Introducing a so-called ‘Netflix" tax in Australia makes sense. AAP/NewZulu/Richard Goldschmidt

The “Netflix tax” - coming to a country near you

The arrival of Netflix in Australia has brought into sharp relief the GST base erosion problem caused by global digital commerce. Along with the non-taxation of low-value imported goods, the absence of…
Intelligence on the curriculum. Lightbulb via denk creative/Shutterstock

Can we teach intelligence?

As our definitions of what intelligence is change, it might become possible to teach it.
To help Australia meet its G20 commitments, infrastructure projects like Sydney’s WestConnex require a more stringent and transparent cost-benefit analysis. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

PM’s infrastructure plan failing growth and cost-benefit goals

The OECD’s Going for Growth report released this week is a good reminder of why Tony Abbott wants to be remembered as “the infrastructure Prime Minister”. The OECD argues addressing infrastructure service…
Education reforms in the spotlight. Students in class via Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Only one in ten education reforms analysed for their impact: OECD

Only a tenth of education reforms carried out around the world since 2008 have been analysed by governments for the impact they have on children’s education. A new report by the Organisation for Economic…
To prevent future pain, the government can’t put off tough decisions on tax. Lukas Coch/AAP

Why it’s time to hike the GST and levy an inheritance tax

The government’s recent budget outlook (MYEFO) confirmed that the Australian government budget is rotten at the core. The government is hopelessly living beyond its means, with expenditure greater than…
Australia has the second-highest number of immigrants – in relative terms – among OECD countries, according to a new report. AAP/Dan Peled

Report marks Australia’s shift from settler to temporary migrant nation

Immigration is a political hot potato. On the day the OECD published its latest annual survey of global migration, Swiss voters rejected a referendum to reduce annual migration numbers. A few days earlier…
Pressure is building ahead of the Brisbane G20 Leaders’ Summit for action on tax avoidance by multinationals. Andrew Sutherland/Flickr

Key events in the G20 push on tax avoidance

Tax avoidance by multinational enterprises is not new. But the current level of political will and public outcry on the issue is uncommon in the history of taxation. The upcoming G20 meeting in Brisbane…
Treasurer Joe Hockey plans to reignite the economic reform debate early next year, but will he tackle the bigger-picture changes many economists have called for? AAP Image/Lukas Coch

The economic crisis a complacent Australia has to have

In November 1990, then treasurer Paul Keating announced that Australia was in recession – and that it was “the recession we had to have”. Today, there are growing calls for serious, structural economic…
Corporations need our help. Crispin Semmens

How to pull the plug on irresponsible capitalism

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has proposed a plan to stop companies from avoiding billions of dollars in taxes. As we know from the scandals surrounding Amazon, Starbucks, Vodafone…

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