Shutterstock Februari 26, 2024 QANTAS pays women 37% less, Telstra and BHP 20%. Fifty years after equal pay laws, we still have a long way to go Angela Jackson, Monash University dan Leonora Risse, University of Canberra The naming for the first time of specific companies, not just industries, and what they pay their male and female workers is set to pressure employers to take action.
The gender wage gap persists even in the ‘sharing economy.’ designer491/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images September 22, 2022 Female Airbnb hosts earn thousands less per year than male hosts Alexander Davidson, Wayne State University dan Mark R. Gleim, Auburn University Even when they offer similar listings, female hosts tend to charge less than their male counterparts.
Shutterstock Oktober 5, 2021 South Africa is tightening its rules around executive pay, but gaps remain Nadia Mans-Kemp, Stellenbosch University Director remuneration practices and policies are coming in for much greater scrutiny.