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Artikel-artikel mengenai Piracy

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The Suez Canal on a normal day. Photo by Camille Delbos/Art In All of Us/Corbis via Getty Images

Top three take-away lessons from the Suez Canal blockage

Direct implications for maritime security are unlikely. But there will be ripple effects in the shipping industry and in many commercial sectors.
Suspected pirates surrender to the U.S. Coast Guard off the coast of Somalia in 2009. LCDR Tyson Weinert/U.S. Coast Guard

Global sea piracy ticks upward, and the coronavirus may make it worse

In 2019, there were fewer attacks and attempted attacks on ships than there had been in 25 years. The coronavirus may bring economic and political changes that make piracy worse in the coming years.
Ivorian sailors participate in an anti-piracy hostage rescue scenario with the Ghanaian Navy during Exercise Obangame Express. Wikimedia Commons

Fighting piracy in the Gulf of Guinea needs a radical rethink

Feeding a simple narrative of piracy without a broader look at other maritime security challenges hinders progress in dealing with it.
Nigeria’s Nollywood ranks second to India’s Bollywood in terms of films produced each year. Reuters

The who and how of pirates threatening the Nollywood film industry

The world’s third-largest movie industry in Nigeria is in danger of collapse. It is not to do with patrons staying away from the films. It is caused by a menace right in the heart of the industry.

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