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Artikel-artikel mengenai Press regulation

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‘Is this a hack-ney carriage?’ ‘As your lawyer I advise you to say nothing at all Andy’. EPA/Sean Dempsey

Coulson acquittal – beginning of the end game of Leveson?

The acquittal of former News of the World editor and Cameron spin doctor-in-chief Andy Coulson on perjury charges at the high court in Edinburgh appears to have hinged largely on a phrase uttered by the…
Some people are pretty hacked off with the lack of press accountability in Britain. Daniel Leal-Olivas/PA Wire

Hold the front page – UK might get a press watchdog with teeth

As criminal trials proceed against more journalists for alleged corrupt payments to public officials, and more evidence emerges about industrial-scale phone hacking at Mirror Group newspapers, The Sun…
The picture Mazher Mahmood’s lawyers didn’t want you to see. BBC Panorama.

Panorama and the Fake Sheikh: trawling tabloid excesses

Well, there was a lot of mucking about, but Panorama has finally broadcast its exposé of Sun on Sunday journalist Mazher Mahmood, widely known as the “Fake Sheikh”. The programme had been scheduled for…
That’s Brooks ‘easy mark’ from now on. PA/PA Wire

Brooks Newmark honey trap story to give IPSO its first serious test

They are calling it the Brooks Newmark Sex Scandal. The ethics of the Sunday Mirror’s virtual online honey trap farrago would appear to be the first high profile complaint that the Independent Press Standards…
Nick Davies: ‘the Woodward or Bernstein of British journalism’. PA Wire

Hack Attack: brickbats and bouquets for reporter who broke hacking scandal

Nick Davies is a hero for my generation of journalists and many generations of younger reporters. He can be fairly characterised as a Woodward or Bernstein of British “quality” journalism. Davies decided…
Jeff Bezos: can he save journalism? Stephen Brashear/AP/Press Association Images

Pin your hopes on the next generation to fix news media

When representatives of the British newspaper industry were defending their freedoms from the modest changes to press regulation proposed by Lord Justice Leveson, they compared the UK with Zimbabwe, Iran…
What does the future hold? cobalt123

Press regulation: the case for the Royal Charter

Britain’s press has been accustomed to a particular form of self-regulation, which I would call self-interested regulation. The bodies we have had, the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) and its predecessors…
Who’s pulling the strings - the public or the media moguls? AP Photo/Helen Allman

Defining public interest – why Gloria De Piero’s privacy matters

A few days ago Paul McMullan, former deputy features editor on the News of the World, popped up on a Sunday morning debate programme with his oft-repeated lament that, in the wake of the “chilling effect…
Is this the moment of truth for the British press? Rui Vieira/PA Wire

Time for government to stand firm on press regulation

On Monday evening, the BBC’s Newsnight programme revealed that a sub-committee of the privy council had rejected the Royal Charter on press self-regulation put forward by the Press Standards Board of Finance…

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