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Artikel-artikel mengenai Research Brief

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Latinas make up 17% of U.S. women but 21% of those living with HIV. Klebercordeiro/Getty Images

Hispanic women are less likely to get PrEP treatment − new intervention could change that

Despite higher than average rates of HIV infection, Hispanic women have relatively low awareness of PrEP, an effective HIV-prevention medication.
Discrimination in the form of microaggressions, slights and overt racism take a toll on the body, including neural activity in the brain. LeoPatrizi/E+ via Getty Images

Racism and discrimination lead to faster aging through brain network changes, new study finds

Black women who are more frequently exposed to racism showed stronger connections in areas of the brain involved in rumination and heightened vigilance, both of which lead to faster biological aging.
Baltimore orioles breed in eastern and central North America, then migrate south to wintering grounds in Florida, the Caribbean and Central America. phototrip/istock via Getty Images

Counter-drug strategies in Central America are worsening deforestation, threatening many species of birds

Central America’s forests are critically important habitat for many forest birds, including endangered species. Narco-traffickers are cutting down trees, leaving birds with nowhere to go.
Volunteers tend to an insect trap in Los Angeles. Deniz Durmus, courtesy of the Natural History Museums of Los Angeles County

Bugs thrive in urban Los Angeles – volunteers’ traps reveal biodiversity hot spots for city insects and spiders

City life can mean lots of pavement and habitat loss. But many bug species are hanging on, especially in neighborhoods with steady temperatures near the mountains.
The behavioral immune system learned a new proxy for disease risk during the COVID pandemic. gilaxi/E+ via Getty Images

Republicans wary of Republicans – how politics became a clue about infection risk during the pandemic

Reactions like disgust are part of the behavioral immune system that helps you avoid disease. Usually conservatives are more fearful of contamination – but something unusual happened during COVID-19.

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