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Artikel-artikel mengenai Solar

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The rise of renewable energy is one reason the world is shifting away from coal. Wind turbine image from

We can still keep global warming below 2°C – but the hard work is about to start

Global emissions from fossil fuels have stalled. That puts us in the right place to keep warming below 2°C, but there’s plenty of work still to be done.
Companies like Tesla, with batteries and electric cars, are disrupting traditional energy companies in Australia.

Company results wrap: energy companies are facing disruption

Energy companies shouldn’t rely on government regulation to protect them from the growing disruption from renewables and increased consumer control.
Solar panels on a Walmart roof, Mountain View, California. Walmart/Flickr

Getting more energy from the sun: how to make better solar cells

Solar power has enormous potential, but provides only about one percent of world electricity today. An engineer explains the many steps it takes to make solar panels that are efficient, clean and cheap.
A solar array goes up in New York. Is this the best place to locate solar, given the relatively clean New York state grid? Lucas Braun

To cut emissions faster, U.S. should ditch tax credit-based subsidies for renewable energy

The wind and solar industries scored a huge win by getting extended tax credits, but research shows this isn’t the best policy for lowering emissions through renewable energy.
South Africa has installed solar water heaters in low cost housing areas. It should be installing solar PV for energy. Shutterstock

How South Africa can spread renewable energy to low income areas

South Africa has been slow to adopt renewable energy sources. One option, which has proved successful elsewhere, would be to install solar photovoltaic panels on rooftops in low-income areas.
Mozambique is seeking to use renewable energy to extend electricity access to rural institutions. Joshua Kirshner

Mozambique needs a community-driven approach to electrification

Mozambique has long standing energy challenges and widespread energy poverty. To change this, particularly for people living in rural areas, it needs to democratise the way it supplies energy.
A solar water heating unit on the roof of a home in Kuyasa outside Cape Town. South Africa has a long way to go to get people off the grid and onto solar heating. Epa/Nic Bothma

Advances in getting solar onto the grid, and into the home

Africa is blessed with an abundance of sunshine.Given the heavy demand for energy, alternatives, such as solar, could provide solutions and help stimulate economic growth.
Real hot: the Ivanpah solar power plant and others like it use mirrors to produce heat to make steam and drive an electricity turbine. BrightSource Energy

If a solar plant uses natural gas, is it still green?

The massive Ivanpah solar power plant uses natural gas – even more than it expected last year. It’s not ideal, but solar power and natural gas are a powerful, and relatively ‘green,’ combination.
Will alternate solar technologies get a boost if solar overall grows? Walmartcorporate/flickr

Do we need a solar power technology breakthrough?

Hillary Clinton’s renewable energy plan is ambitious but, on a technical level, doable. Would it foster more solar technology innovation?

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