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Artikel-artikel mengenai Space exploration

Menampilkan 161 - 180 dari 299 artikel

Ever since the Parkes dish helped broadcast the Moon landings, Australia has been hiding its light under a bushel when it comes to space science. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Why isn’t Australia in deep space?

Australia played a vital role in beaming the Apollo 11 Moon landing to the world. But since then we’ve passed up the opportunity to cement our place in exploring outer space.
A Sept. 20 citizen “raid” on Area 51, a secretive military installation long fancied to hold alien remains, has drawn worldwide interest. Fer Gregory/

Yes, I’m searching for aliens – and no, I won’t be going to Area 51 to look for them

As more than a million people have indicated plans to partake in a citizen ‘raid’ on the famed Area 51 to ‘see them aliens,’ a scholar on the search for extraterrestrial life weighs in on the hype.
David Bowie in the film clip for Space Oddity: the song would become an anthem for space exploration with an enduring appeal. YouTube

Space Oddity at 50: the ‘novelty song’ that became a cultural touchstone

Fifty years ago, on July 11, 1969, David Bowie released Space Oddity. With its adventurous orchestration, unsettling harmonics and melancholy narrative, the now classic song captured a moment.
President Richard M. Nixon welcomes the Apollo 11 astronauts aboard the USS Hornet, the recovery ship for the mission, where they are quarantined. From left to right: Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin. NASA

Apollo 11 brought a message of peace to the Moon – but Neil and Buzz almost forgot to leave it behind

Objects left on the Moon are not just abandoned rockets and rovers. There is a lot of historic and sentimental memorabilia. Some of it hints at a mission that the first Moonwalkers almost forgot.
Scientists conduct research in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park to practice for Mars landings. Shutterstock

Rehearsing for the Mars landings in Hawaii and Idaho

To prepare for future Mars missions, scientists collect samples and simulate communications conditions from volcano parks on Earth.

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