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Artikel-artikel mengenai Taliban

Menampilkan 141 - 160 dari 219 artikel

Afghan security personnel inspect the rubble of Afghanistan’s intelligence services building after a car bomb blast claimed by the Taliban killed at least 11 people, July 13, 2020. AFP via Getty Images

Afghanistan’s peace process is stalled. Can the Taliban be trusted to hold up their end of the deal?

In February, the US signed an historic accord with the Taliban to end the Afghanistan War. Now violence in the country is up and peace talks with the government are delayed yet again.
New Afghan National Army recruits march during their February graduation ceremony. AP Photo/Rahmat Gul

There’s no easy exit for the US in Afghanistan

The US is taking an untraditional approach in its peace talks with the Taliban. The new deal does not contain many of the elements that are typically key to a successful peace negotiation.
US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad and Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar sign an agreement ending the US’s 18-year war in Afghanistan, Doha, Feb. 29, 2020. GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP via Getty Images

After US and Taliban sign accord, Afghanistan must prepare for peace

A peace deal with the Taliban has been signed. But rebuilding Afghanistan after three decades of conflict will take much more than an accord, says a scholar of peacebuilding.
A memorial procession for Sgt. James Johnston, who was killed in Afghanistan in June, passes through Trumansburg, N.Y., Saturday, Aug. 31, 2019. AP/David Goldman

From Vietnam to Afghanistan, all US governments lie

US officials have consistently lied over decades about progress in the Afghanistan war. The lies are no surprise, writes a foreign affairs scholar – but they have profound consequences.
A supporter of Ashraf Ghani takes part in an election rally in Kabul last month. Jawad Jalali/EPA

Afghanistan’s suffering has reached unprecedented levels. Can a presidential election make things better?

According to a recent survey, Afghans rate their lives worse than anyone else on the planet. The election is unlikely to be a game changer considering the magnitude of challenges facing the country.
When U.S. troops go home, ethnic militias will likely gain strength. REUTERS/Parwiz

What will come after a US withdrawal from Afghanistan?

The US has been at war in Afghanistan since a few weeks after 9/11. Now we are negotiating a peace with the Taliban, the same insurgents who sheltered Osama bin Laden.
The aftermath of a 2018 attack by the Taliban in Ghazni city, Afghanistan. Will terrorist attacks like this one be as common in 2019? Reuters/Mustafa Andaleb

Will terrorism continue to decline in 2019?

Terrorist attacks and fatalities peaked in 2014, and have been on the decline since then.

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