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Australian National University

ANU was established, in 1946, to advance the cause of learning and research for the nation. It is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities and many ANU graduates go on to become leaders in government, industry, research and academia.


Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 3782 articles

Treasurer Josh Frydneberg and Prime Minister Scott Morrison announcing the next steps on Tuesday. Lukas Coch/AAP

Bowing out gracefully: how they’ll wind down JobKeeper

The new slimmed-down and tapered JobKeeper is an improvement, but it’ll interact with JobSeeker in odd ways.

An open letter to Australia’s Education Minister Dan Tehan — signed by 73 senior professors

More than 70 of Australia’s Laureate professors have signed a letter to the minister for education, Dan Tehan, outlining the flaws in the proposed university reforms.

Progressive in theory, regressive in practice: that’s how we tax income from savings

It would be a mistake to think that just because higher earners face higher tax rates, that’s what they pay. When it comes to income from savings it’s the other way around.


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