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George Mason University


Displaying 61 - 80 of 102 articles

Did Trump’s rhetoric played a part in radicalizing the far-right protesters in Charlottesville? AP Photo/Steve Helber

Charlottesville and the politics of fear

Trump is a master of using anger to motivate his base. An anti-terrorism researcher explains how to stem the tide.
The message might not come through if you put all your communication eggs in one theoretical basket. buydeephoto/

Facts versus feelings isn’t the way to think about communicating science

Reports of facts’ death have been greatly exaggerated. Effective communication jettisons the false dilemma in favor of a more holistic view of how people take in new information on contentious topics.
A shot of fake news now and your defenses are raised in the future? funnyangel/

Inoculation theory: Using misinformation to fight misinformation

Does science have an answer to science denial? Just as being vaccinated protects you from a later full-blown infection, a bit of misinformation explained could help ward off other cases down the road.
What happens to their credibility when scientists take to the streets? February 2017 Stand Up for Science rally in Boston. Adam Salsman

Can March for Science participants advocate without losing the public’s trust?

The research community tends to assume advocacy doesn’t mix with objectivity. One study suggests there’s room for scientists to make real-world recommendations without compromising their trusted status.
Senator-elect Todd Young, R-Indiana, thanks supporters after winning his race at an election night rally in Indianapolis. AP Photo/Michael Conroy

Democrats failed to gain a Senate majority, too

Hopes among Democrats of gaining a majority in the Senate were dashed. Here’s what a narrow Republican majority might mean moving forward.
President Barack Obama meets with Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell at the Oval Office. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Can Congress build bipartisanship through caucuses?

As deadlines loom large for Congress, is there any hope for avoiding gridlock? A political scientist examines one common, informal way members build relationships across the aisle.
Innovating with 3D printing offers huge promise, such as these 3D-printed microscopes. SynBioSRI/Flickr

Early days of internet offer lessons for boosting 3D printing

3D printing is opening doors to amazing opportunities and benefits – as well as some undeniable dangers. Patience and caution about regulating it will yield more innovation.
Birds are more dangerous to aircraft than drones. kvoloshin/flickr

Are drones really dangerous to airplanes?

Drones don’t pose much of a risk to traditional aviation. Our research shows that collisions with manned aircraft are far more likely to involve a bird.
New Horizons continues to help unravel the icy dwarf planet’s secrets. NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute

Picture of Pluto further refined by months of New Horizons data

After last summer’s Pluto flyby, the New Horizons spacecraft started sending data back to Earth – at 2 kilobits per second. Here’s some of what scientists have learned so far from that rich, slow cache.
Harney County residents gather to protest the FBI’s presence at the airport in Burns, Oregon, January 31, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart

The Federal response in Malheur and far right extremism

Race may have played a role in the muted federal response to the standoff at Malheur Wildlife Refuge, but it goes deeper than that.


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