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Lancaster University

Lancaster University is a research intensive university ranked in the UK’s top ten. Around 16,000 students from more than 100 countries choose to study at Lancaster because of our excellent reputation for research, teaching and student satisfaction. Lancaster is a truly global community with international collaborations all over the world and teaching partnerships in China, Malaysia, Ghana and Germany.


Displaying 1261 - 1272 of 1272 articles

Lindisfarne Castle, Northumbria - one of many beautiful places in the “desolate” North East. Owen Humphreys/PA

Neither fracking nor anything else should divide us further

The recent comments from former government energy policy advisor David Howell, Lord Howell of Guildford, on the suitability of different parts of England for fracking amply demonstrate how off-the-cuff…
Know your enemy: trolls come in many shapes and sizes. Dunechaser

Minor irritant or real threat? Time to decide what a troll is

Somewhere around 2010, the concept of trolling arrived in the national consciousness with a flurry of news stories: the hateful tweet Tom Daley received about his father during the Olympics; the defacement…
Don’t bust out the champagne yet: not everyone will be able to afford it. Toni Blay

Recovery may not be enough to fix unemployment

With economic “green shoots” appearing, you might expect to see improvements in the labour market, with higher wages and lower unemployment. But don’t get the champagne out just yet: this crisis isn’t…
A grand narrative is more important than bloodlust. jit

Gamers want epic tales, not just violent short-cuts

Battlefield 3, a video game developed by Electronic Arts (EA), has caused a stir. The debate of violence in computer games has become not just a regulatory issue but a political one too. Perhaps understanding…
There’s more to life than buying stuff. Steve Parsons/PA

Austerity may have breathed new life into true happiness

We are now five years into the largest financial crisis in decades and yet, paradoxically, people don’t seem to be more unhappy than they were before. The UK ranked 10th of the countries surveyed for the…
Terror manual: the Encyclopaedia of the Afghani Jihad which formed part of the prosecution case against Abu Hamza. Stefan Rousseau/PA.

Flimsy fundamentalism infuses the third wave of terror

David Cameron’s new taskforce to combat extremism met on Monday to address what Tony Blair calls a “problem within Islam” that he blames for the terror plots which have caused such distress and given rise…
Telling people there’s no “cure” for depression or bipolar can leave them feeling like a victim. PA/Paul Faith

People with depression and bipolar must have more choice

An increasing number of people are trying to cope with depression and bipolar in the UK. But we also have an over-reliance on drugs and waiting lists can be a year long for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy…
Police activity close to the scene where a man was murdered in John Wilson Street, Woolwich. PA/Nick Ansell

Terror on the streets of London, but don’t jump to conclusions yet

While the full details of the awful events in Woolwich remain unclear, the attack has already revived heated debates about the risk of terror at home. When building a profile of someone who allegedly commits…
Prescriptions for pain relief are easy to get in the UK but not if you live in certain countries. PA/Julien Behal

Pain-relief access crisis leaves millions suffering around globe

Ten percent of the world consumes 90% of the morphine. At first glance that’s just another statistic about haves and have nots. But it’s more stark than that - particularly if you have cancer in a country…
We have the technology … but have we discussed its possible impacts? fdecomite

Four visions, three dimensions: the future of 3D printing

Chances are you’ve heard about 3D printing – or additive manufacturing as it’s otherwise known: a process that turns computer-aided designs into three-dimensional, real-world objects with a range of uses…
Yes, Australia gets hot. But let’s investigate some other ways to cool it down. John Harvey

Air conditioning is peaking out, time to rethink cool comfort

As the recent Energy White Paper and Senate Committee report confirm, Australia’s electricity prices are going up. The Productivity Commission states that they have risen by 50% in real terms over the…


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