Enriched by Louisiana’s natural and cultural distinctiveness, the community of learning at Louisiana’s national Flagship University readies students to meet the environmental, social, economic, scientific, creative, and educational challenges that confront us locally and globally in the twenty-first century.
As campanhas de desinformação geralmente usam um conjunto de artifícios retóricos que você pode aprender a identificar, como narrativas de conspiração, enquadramento do bem contra o mal e “segredos revelados”
Disinformation campaigns often use a set of rhetorical devices that you can learn to spot, like conspiracy narratives, good versus evil framing, and revealed secrets.
In Europe, a large-scale war could cause the Baltic Sea to freeze over and severely compromise food security – potentially for decades and even centuries to come.
As elections approach – and even after they’re done – there’s a lot of confusing, and deliberately misleading, information out there. Learn how to protect yourself.
The decline of the news industry has been well documented. How did news organizations in the US heartland, facing potential extinction, survive – and even thrive – through the pandemic?
As the state copes with hurricanes and climate disasters, it is figuring out how to manage the slow-motion loss of its coastal land. But its plans could endanger the cultures that define the region.
The best op-ed pages operate like a town square, allowing readers to discuss and debate issues important to their communities and beyond. But many now focus on divisive national political issues.
New members are joining and some are leaving – as right-wing groups reorganize, scholars of the movement foresee increased polarization, with a risk of more violence.
A storm-driven chlorine gas release in a vulnerable community is the type of worst-case scenario that scientists and engineers have warned about for decades.
Global Scholar at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC and Hopkins P Breazeale Professor, Manship School of Mass Communications, Louisiana State University