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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


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Holiday Point/Flickr

People need to see the benefits from local renewable energy projects, and that means jobs

Renewable energy projects are often in direct competition with fossil fuels for the hearts and minds of communities. There’s a way to win people over though, with ongoing local employment.
Mine de sable au Népal. L'urbanisation et la demande en béton associée provoquent une crise mondiale du sable. Michael Hoffmann

Banditisme et économie au noir : notre consommation de sable alimente une crise mondiale

L’exploitation non durable ou illégale du sable des écosystèmes marins, côtiers et fluviaux engendre des impacts environnementaux, des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et la disparition des terres.
A sand mine in Nepal. Growing urbanization and its need for concrete is fuelling a global sand crisis. (Michael Hoffmann)

Roving bandits and looted coastlines: How the global appetite for sand is fuelling a crisis

As sand markets boom, entrepreneurs, organized crime and others are cashing in — leaving widespread environmental damage in their wake.


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