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Massey University

Massey is a true “University of New Zealand”, with three North Island campuses at Auckland, Manawatū and Wellington and more than 32,000 students studying either on one of the campuses or by distance learning from throughout the world. Set up as an agricultural college in 1927 it is now a comprehensive university with qualifications in humanities and social sciences, business, creative arts, health and sciences.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 413 articles

A hikoi (march) to deliver a petition to the prime minister over the Ihumātao land protest in Auckland in 2019. Getty Images

Decolonising the news: 4 fundamental questions media can ask themselves when covering stories about Māori

A Treaty framework developed for New Zealand On Air offers a way for journalists to critically evaluate their own work and promote more accountable and equitable day-to-day reporting.
Minister of Finance Grant Robertson delivers his fifth Wellbeing Budget. Getty Images

For a no-frills New Zealand budget it was ‘surprisingly frilly’: 5 experts on Labour’s big pre-election calls

Incremental and pragmatic, New Zealand’s fifth Wellbeing Budget tries to balance cost-of-living support with huge long-term investment challenges – all without frightening the inflation horses.


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