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Stellenbosch University

Stellenbosch University (SU) is among South Africa’s leading tertiary institutions based on research output, student pass rates and rated scientists, and is recognised internationally as an academic institution of excellence. This is confirmed by two world university rankings after SU was included in the Times Higher Education and QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) world rankings in 2012, for the second consecutive year. In 2011 the University was also listed on the Leiden rankings, and in 2012 SU was named the leading African University by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities which ranks universities according to their web presence.

SU also boasts the second-highest number of scientists in South Africa who have been ranked by the National Research Foundation (NRF) – 306 in 2012. With 18 research chairs under the NRF South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChi), the University is regarded as a leader in the fields of biomedical tuberculosis research and management, wine biotechnology, animal sciences and mathematical biosciences. Another SARChi chair, in the field of invasion biology, is shared between SU and the University of Venda. This constitutes but one of SU’s many partnerships, both local and international. As preferred research partner, SU also participates in various international academic networks.


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O tratamento focado no trauma pode ajudar jovens, especialmente aqueles que não conseguem evitar sinais relacionados à separação, como ver seus ex-parceiros em sala de aula ou nas mídias sociais. Getty Images

Novo estudo mostra que rompimentos amorosos podem provocar traumas graves em jovens

Os rompimentos românticos entre jovens adultos são frequentemente banalizados como um rito de passagem. Porém, eles podem levar a um trauma agudo.


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