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UMass Boston

The University of Massachusetts Boston is nationally recognized as a model of excellence for urban public universities. The scenic waterfront campus, with easy access to downtown Boston, is located next to the John F. Kennedy Library and Presidential Museum and future home to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate.

Part of the UMass system, UMass Boston combines a small-college experience with the vast resources of a major research university. With a 16:1 student-to-faculty ratio, students easily interact with professors because most teaching occurs in small class sizes. Ninety-three percent of full-time faculty hold the highest degree in their fields.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 94 articles

Protesters hold signs outside women’s fashion designer Eudon Choi in London during Fashion Week in 2017. Elena Rostenova/

Python skin jackets and elephant leather boots: How wealthy Western nations help drive the global wildlife trade

The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a harsh light on global commerce in wildlife. But many accounts focus on demand from Asia, ignoring the role of US and European consumers.
A sense of normalcy is returning to South Korea but the U.S. lacks the testing capacity and contact tracing system the country relies on. AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon

How South Korea flattened the coronavirus curve with technology

In addition to testing and special facilities for COVID-19 patients, the country’s government-run tracking system allows the health care system to identify infected people and their contacts.
The first Earth Day in 1972 spurred other countries to support global environmental action. Callista Images/Getty

The first Earth Day was a shot heard around the world

April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which catalyzed action to protect the environment not just in the US but internationally.
An all-renewable grid will mean more electricity and more transmission lines. Russ Allison Loar/flickr

How to have an all-renewable electric grid

We have all the technologies needed to make the electric grid run on renewables and lower pollution. What are they and what are the barriers to adopting them widely?
Dogs can connect neighbors, but in multicultural areas they can also reinforce racial barriers. Shutterstock

How dogs help keep multiracial neighborhoods socially segregated

American cities are getting more diverse, but neighbors of different races don’t necessarily socialize with each other. A sociologist in North Carolina discovered one surprising reason why.
Numerous data show black students are kicked out of school at disproportionate rates. Rido/

How activists are fighting racial disparities in school discipline

A grassroots movement to end racial disparities in schoolhouse discipline is beginning to take root throughout the nation and winning important victories at the local level. Can it sustain the effort?


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