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Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Displaying 1 - 20 of 26 articles

Frantic00 / Shutterstock

Los contenidos compartidos en redes, claves para definir la imagen de los destinos turísticos

Al compartir sus experiencias a través de fotos, vídeos y reseñas, los viajeros crean una visión más auténtica y realista de lo que un destino tiene para ofrecer a sus visitantes.
More and more consumers are engaging in showrooming, the practice of visiting brick-and-mortar retail stores to research a product before buying it elsewhere at a lower price. (Shutterstock)

New research reveals how a single consumer group has the power to influence product pricing

Retail stores change the prices of their products based on the shopping habits of consumers. But consumers come in a variety of types, and not all of them influence prices equally.
Vladimir Putin celebrated Russia’s annexation of Crimea on March 18, 2022, the eighth anniversary of the move. Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

Calling Putin a ‘war criminal’ could spark even more atrocities in Ukraine

None of the available methods for holding Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable are likely to actually punish him, and they may even make new atrocities more likely.
Everyday Russians, like these people in Moscow, may shoulder much of the burden of the world’s economic sanctions aimed at Vladimir Putin and his oligarchs. AFP via Getty Images

Economic sanctions may make Russians’ lives worse – without stopping Putin’s assault on Ukraine

Personalist dictators tend to shield the elites who support them from the economic pain of sanctions by pushing costs onto regular people.
Shutterstock / Phonlamai Photo

Alternativas a la colonoscopia para detectar el cáncer a tiempo

Si se diagnostica en sus etapas más precoces, la supervivencia del cáncer de colon alcanza un 91%. Sin embargo, apenas llega al 8% si el diagnóstico es tardío. La colonoscopia no es la única opción para detectarlo a tiempo.
Jorge Luis Borges en 1975. Wikimedia Commons / Roberto Pera

Sobre Borges y la leche fermentada

En 1935, Borges publicó un folleto semicientífico sobre el yogur. Pero ni él pudo imaginarse su papel clave en el desarrollo de la edición genética.


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