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University of Birmingham

A leading research-intensive university, the University of Birmingham is a vibrant, global community and an internationally-renowned institution, in the top 20 in the UK and 100 globally. With approximately 28,000 students and 6,000 members of staff, its work brings people from more than 150 countries to Birmingham.

The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at Birmingham has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.

We continue this tradition today and have ambitions for a future that will embed our work and recognition of the Birmingham name on the international stage.

Universities are never complete. They develop as new challenges and opportunities occur. At the University of Birmingham we innovate, we push the frontiers of understanding; we ask new research questions, we turn theory through experiment into practice – because that’s what great universities do.


Displaying 301 - 320 of 1572 articles

Illustration des “Bons enfants” Sophie Rostopchine, comtesse de Ségur (auteur) par François-Fortuné-Antoine Ferogio (illustrateur), via Wikimedia Commons

Fête des mères : dans les livres pour enfants, les mères sont-elles vraiment mises à l’honneur ?

Dans la littérature de jeunesse, les mères sont souvent cantonnées à des rôles de femmes au foyer, anonymes – à moins qu’elles ne soient des sorcières ou de méchantes reines.
Swedish army medics simulate the evacuation of a field hospital as part of military exercise called “cold response 2022”, gathering around 30,000 troops from Nato member countries plus Finland and Sweden, amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in the Arctic Circle on March 25 2022. Reuters/Alamy

Finland and Sweden’s desire to join Nato shows Putin has permanently redrawn the map of Europe

Sweden’s and Finland’s plans to join Nato are a symbol of a major shake-up of the European security order.
El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, asiste a una ceremonia de ofrenda de flores en la tumba del soldado desconocido, cerca del Kremlin. EPA-EFE/Anton Novoderekhkin/Kremlin pool/Sputnik

Los festejos del Día de la Victoria no disimulan lo mal que le van las cosas a Putin en Ucrania

El 9 de mayo de este año no ha sido el ‘día de la victoria’, ya que el mandatario ruso tiene poco de qué presumir tras 74 días de agresión contra Ucrania.
Dans son livre « Les Fossoyeurs » publié début 2022, le journaliste d’investigation Victor Castanet révèle les dysfonctionnements qui ont conduit à des cas de maltraitance en maison de retraite. Bertrand Guay / AFP

Éthique : comment, comme Orpea, les entreprises font peser la responsabilité sur leurs salariés

Les organisations se réfèrent de plus en plus à une vision légaliste vidant l'éthique de sa substance, au détriment d'une approche moraliste pourtant plus à même d'apporter des réponses aux problèmes.
Woman drying freshly made batik cloth. Batik is a micro, small and medium scale business that supports the livelihoods of Indonesian women, especially in Java. shutter/Bastian AS

Put women at the heart of global economic recovery: that’s Indonesia’s task at the 2022 G20 summit

Empowering women can be a solution to the economic slowdown and health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. As the host of the G20 2022 Summit, Indonesia should focus on the issue.
Allies? Or client and patron: Belarus president, Alexandr Lukashenko, and Russian president, Vladimir Putin, after Kremlin talks in February 2022. EPA-EFE/Sergey Guneev/Sputnik/Kremlin pool

Ukraine: the complex calculations that will decide whether Belarus enters the conflict on Russia’s side

Belarus president Alexandr Lukashenko has a difficult decision to make if he wants to help his ally Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.


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