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University of Birmingham

A leading research-intensive university, the University of Birmingham is a vibrant, global community and an internationally-renowned institution, in the top 20 in the UK and 100 globally. With approximately 28,000 students and 6,000 members of staff, its work brings people from more than 150 countries to Birmingham.

The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at Birmingham has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives.

We continue this tradition today and have ambitions for a future that will embed our work and recognition of the Birmingham name on the international stage.

Universities are never complete. They develop as new challenges and opportunities occur. At the University of Birmingham we innovate, we push the frontiers of understanding; we ask new research questions, we turn theory through experiment into practice – because that’s what great universities do.


Displaying 581 - 600 of 1573 articles

La formation et le rappel des souvenirs sont un processus complexe de synchronisation et de désynchronisation dans différentes parties du cerveau. Shutterstock

Comment se créent les souvenirs ? Une étude donne un nouvel éclairage sur cette fonction fascinante du cerveau…

Les souvenirs sont reconstitués dans notre cerveau grâce à un échange fascinant entre l'hippocampe et le néocortex. Une meilleure compréhension de ce phénomène pourrait aider à traiter la démence.
Artwork and historic footage are projected on to Berlin’s Stasi Museum as part of the 30th anniversary commemorations. EPA-EFE/Omer Messinger

Berlin Wall: secret police files and the memories of two Germanies

The decision to move the Stasi files into the German national archive has sparked debate of how memories of life before reunification should be handled.
Zambian President Edgar Lungu’s increasingly repressive government uses colonial-era laws to silence dissent. EFE-EPA/ EPA/Phillipe Wojazer

How colonial rule predisposed Africa to fragile authoritarianism

The unstable authoritarian pathway that many post-colonial African states followed was facilitated by the way in which European empires undermined democratic elements within African societies.


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