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University of Botswana


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Une activité physique régulière permet de prévenir et de gérer de nombreuses maladies chroniques.

Les enfants ne font pas assez d'activité physique: une nouvelle étude lance l'alerte sanitaire

Des facteurs tels que la famille et les amis, des communautés plus sûres, un environnement scolaire positif et des ressources adéquates sont souvent associés à une activité physique accrue.
Regular physical activity helps to prevent and manage many chronic diseases. Amorn Suriyan/Shutterstock

Children and teens aren’t doing enough physical activity – new study sounds a health warning

Factors such as having supportive family and friends, safer communities, positive school environments and adequate resources, are often associated with more physical activity.
Children from all of Botswana’s cultural groups, among them the San, must be made to feel comfortable at schools. Mario Micklisch/Flickr

Training can help Botswana’s teachers manage multiculturalism

Primary school children who belong to ethnic minorities are especially vulnerable to dropping out of school early. If teachers were better equipped to deal with multiculturalism, this could change.


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