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University of Canberra

The University of Canberra is ranked among the top 100 young universities in the world. The University specialises in delivering professional education, with a focus on practical skills, and applied research as well as maintaining links with industry.


Displaying 1761 - 1780 of 5464 articles

Rudd said Australia must once again become the international champion of the South Pacific nations: ‘The so-called 'Pacific step-up’ is hollow.‘ Lukas Coch/AAP

Kevin Rudd urges Australia to reduce its economic dependence on China

Launching journalist Peter Hartcher’s Quarterly Essay, Red Flag: Waking up to China’s challenge, Rudd said “we have become too China-dependent. We need to diversify further”.
Westpac has its Annual General Meeting on December 12. “No doubt, there’ll be some very hard discussions between now and then,” Joshn Frydenberg said. JENNY EVANS/AAP

Josh Frydenberg turns up heat on Westpac chiefs as bank issues a ‘response plan’

The government at the weekend piled on more pressure for Westpac heads to roll over the bank’s money laundering scandal, with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg saying the affair had a long way to play out. “These…
“[The Westpac scandal] comes at a bad time for the government which has legislation before parliament to crack down on union behaviour that goes off the rails, and here you have business behaviour being even worse,” says Michelle Grattan. Joel Carrett/AAP

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on the Westpac scandal - and changes to robo-debt

University of Canberra VC Deep Saini and Michelle Grattan discuss this week in politics, and talk about what to expect in the last parliamentary sitting fortnight, which starts this Monday.
Bowen will also highlight the rising gender gap in the study of economics. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Make the study of economics “more sexy”: Chris Bowen

In a lecture to be delivered on Wednesday, Chris Bowen says he is concerned that “the nation will lose out…if fewer young people are trained in the fundamentals of good economic decision making”.
In a speech on Wednesday night, Morrison will insist this bring-forward does not mean the government is panicking about Australia’s economic conditions. Lukas Coch/AAP

Government to inject economic stimulus by accelerating infrastructure spend

Following increasing calls for stimulus to be injected into the economy, the government will outline an infrastructure bring-forward of A$3.8 billion over the next four years.
The present income averaging system will continue to be used in assessing debt. The key “refinement” will be the addition of “proof points”. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Government makes changes to error-prone robo-debt collection

The Department of Human Service’s customer compliance staff will now be required to seek “additional proof” rather than solely relying on income averaging when determining if there is a debt.
Keating attacked The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in particular for their China coverage. Darren England/AAP

Paul Keating attacks media for ‘pious belchings’ over China

Amid debate about China’s refusal of visa to two federal MPs, former PM Paul Keating denounced the media for ‘failing to present a balanced picture of the rise, legitimacy and importance of China’.
‘You have to think that with people like these very experienced, respected voices that the government would have to take the [climate change] debate seriously’, says Michelle Grattan about the calls from ex-fire chiefs for the government to act on climate change. DARREN PATEMAN/AAP

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on the government’s response to the bushfires

Michelle Grattan and Professor Geoff Crisp discuss this week in politics.
Bellamy’s will have to have to manufacture in Victoria and keep its Australian headquarters for ten years. Bellamy’s Australia

Conditions built into Frydenberg’s okay for Chinese baby formula takeover

The proposed acquisition of infant formula producer Bellamy’s Australia Ltd by China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited has been given approval by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Strict, legally enforceable conditions…
The devastating bushfires are intensifying the pressure on a government already increasingly on the back foot over climate. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Grattan on Friday: When the firies call him out on climate change, Scott Morrison should listen

Emergency Leaders for Climate Action have a simple message: we’re in “a new age of unprecedented bushfire danger” due to climate change. But Morrison refuses to acknowledge it as a central issue.


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