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University of Canberra

The University of Canberra is ranked among the top 100 young universities in the world. The University specialises in delivering professional education, with a focus on practical skills, and applied research as well as maintaining links with industry.


Displaying 1801 - 1820 of 5464 articles

Albanese said the outcome was ‘a very satisfactory result in the interests of the Labor party’. Mick Tsikas/AAP

John Setka resigns from ALP, attacks Albanese

Setka’s resignation is a significant victory for Albanese, who had a good deal of credibility invested after repeatedly saying the rogue unionist would be ousted from the party.
The Deputy PM urges farmers considering leaving their farms to ‘take every bit of good advice available before they take that ultimate step’. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Politics with Michelle Grattan: Deputy PM Michael McCormack on the drought and restive Nationals

Deputy PM Michael McCormack on the drought and restive Nationals The Conversation, CC BY33.7 MB (download)
Following tensions in the Nationals party room over the bring-forward of the dairy code for Pauline Hanson, the Deputy PM admits that the party leadership mishandled the situation.
Only 1.1% of those surveyed wanted a greater proportion of students from overseas. Paul Miller/AAP

Australians split on the level of foreign students: ANUpoll

Foreign students have become a huge source of income for Australia in general and the universities in particular, but critics are concerned about pressures on the institutions and on standards.
McKenzie wrote to Hanson saying the code - which would inrease the negotiating power of milk producers - would be ready later this year, instead of next year as indicated earlier. Mick Tsikas/AAP

View from The Hill: Breaking Pauline Hanson’s ‘strike’ has taken skin off Bridget McKenzie

Following a deal with Hanson, some Queensland NSW Nationals were so furious that a leak canvassed mutterings about the possibility of a “spill” move against deputy leader Bridget McKenzie.
Unsurprisingly, Australian politicians are happier than their constituents with the way our democracy works. Shutterstock

Revealed: how Australian politicians would bridge the trust divide

New research shows parliamentarians believe the key to improving trust between them and their constituents is in improving links to the community and better educating the public about our democracy.
‘It is inevitable that Australia will make more decisions that China doesn’t like,’ said Penny Wong. Joel Carrett/AAP

Define the boundaries in new phase of Australia-China relationship: Wong

Focusing on China policy in a Monday address - released ahead of delivery - Penny Wong says Australia needs to ‘define the boundaries’ of its engagement with China as the relationship is in a new phase.
Extinction Rebellion protesters have faced harsh bail conditions, typically reserved for bikie gang members. Dave Hunt/AAP

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on the Extinction Rebellion protests - and Australia’s responsibility at the Turkish-Syrian border

Deep Saini and Michelle Grattan discuss the acts of civil disobedience by climate activist group Extinction Rebellion, and consider what Australia’s responsibility is in the Turkey-Syria conflict.
Australia’s overall emissions are rising, high electricity prices remain a burden, and there is nervousness about the summer power supply. Shutterstock

Grattan on Friday: A little more confusion added to the climate policy debate

The climate policy has become an article of faith within Labor, and among many supporters. It’s also a policy that in the election split voters Labor needed, attracting some but driving away others.
‘I may be worried about nothing if the Democratic primary process does its job of whittling down the agenda to something more manageable,’ wrote Swan. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Wayne Swan warns US Democrats not to fall into Labor’s trap of overloaded agenda

Writing in the American progressive journal Democracy, Swan, a former treasurer, warned that the US Democrats could be at risk of the overloaded agenda trap that helped defeat the ALP in May.
The Coalition has been promoting its $7 billion drought relief package, but critics say what’s needed is a more effective national drought policy. Dan Peled/AAP

A national drought policy should be an easy, bipartisan fix. So why has it taken so long to enact a new one?

Australia’s initial drought policy was plagued with problems and gutted in 2009. Since then, there has been no further attempt at developing a comprehensive national approach to the problem.
Butler rejected Fitzgibbon’s proposal saying the government’s target ‘is fundamentally inconsistent with the Paris agreement’. Lukas Coch/AAP

Labor’s climate and resources spokesmen at odds over future policy

Opposition resources spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon has had his proposal to bring Labor’s climate change target into line with the government’s immediately torpedoed by the party’s climate spokesman Mark Butler.
Greta Thunberg’s fiery oration has prompted outrage, but even if you agree with her you might still be ignoring her message. EPA/Justin Lane

There are three types of climate change denier, and most of us are at least one

It’s easy to spot outright rejection of the facts on climate change. But it’s far harder to see our own biases and excuses that lead us to delay or deny the need for real action.


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