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University of Iowa

The University of Iowa is one of America’s premier public research universities. Founded in 1847, and a member of the Association of American Universities since 1909 and the Big Ten Conference since 1899, it is the state’s oldest institution of higher education.

Located alongside the picturesque Iowa River in Iowa City, the University of Iowa is home to one of the most acclaimed academic medical centers in the country. It is a globally recognized leader in the study and craft of writing and home to the renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop.

With over $550M in research expenditures annually, Iowa researchers and scholars have realized remarkable achievements that have established the University of Iowa as a national leader in areas such as space physics, educational testing, creative writing, and health care.

Iowa offers world-class undergraduate, graduate, and professional academic programs in a wide variety of fields to over 31,000 enrolled students each year. One in three Iowa undergraduate students participates in mentored research before graduation.

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Displaying 41 - 60 of 70 articles

A researcher in a spacesuit on “Mars” outside the Mars Society Desert Research Station in Utah. David Howells/Corbis Historical via Getty Images

Coronavirus quarantine could provide lessons for future space travel on how regular people weather isolation

Understanding isolation’s effects on regular people, rather than those certified to have ‘the right stuff,’ will help prepare us for the future, whether another pandemic or interplanetary space travel.
Magnus Hirschfeld, a la derecha, junto a su compañero Tao Li en la cuarta conferencia de la Liga Mundial para la Reforma Sexual de 1932. Wellcome Images

Este activista alemán luchó por los derechos gay y trans hace cien años

El doctor alemán Magnus Hirschfeld estudió los “intermedios sexuales” y defendió la identidad trans mucho antes de que existiera el término LGBTQ. Su activismo terminó con la invasión de los Nazis.
Postcard of the Napa State Hospital in Napa, Calif., circa 1905. Over 1,900 Californians were recommended for sterilization while patients here. The collection of Alex Wellerstein

Forced sterilization programs in California once harmed thousands – particularly Latinas

About 20,000 Californians were once sterilized under state eugenics laws. New research shows Latinos were disproportionately targeted. Is there any opportunity today to address these wrongs?
Tarjeta postal del Hospital Estatal de Napa en Napa, California, alrededor de 1905. Más de 1.900 californianos fueron recomendados para la esterilización mientras los pacientes estaban aquí. La colección de Alex Wellerstein

La esterilización forzada perjudicó a miles en California, especialmente a las mujeres latinas

Alrededor de 20,000 californianos alguna vez fueron esterilizados bajo las leyes estatales de eugenesia. Una nueva investigación muestra que los latinos fueron atacados desproporcionadamente.
A woman enters the media workspace at the University of Las Vegas, site of the last 2016 U.S. presidential debate. REUTERS/Rick Wilking

Four female scholars suggest questions for the final presidential debate

Do you feel as if the moderators keep asking the same questions of the presidential candidates? Our panel has some fresh ideas.


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