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University of Portsmouth

The University of Portsmouth is a modern university with a strong reputation for quality teaching and sustained, high levels of student satisfaction. Its academics possess notable research strengths and are international experts pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their respective fields.

Over 3,000 staff supports the cohort of nearly 22,000, which includes 3,000 students from over 140 countries.


Displaying 501 - 520 of 713 articles

Mothers iron their daughters’ breasts as a way of preventing early marriage and keeping their daughters in school for longer. Shutterstock

Breast ironing: a harmful practice that doesn’t get sufficient attention

Close to 4 million teenage girls are subjected to breast ironing worldwide. This harmful cultural practice, which is most prevalent in West and Central Africa, needs to stop.
Thousands of women march on the occasion of International Women’s Day in Mexico City, March 8, 2019. EPA-EFE/Sashenka Gutierrez

#MeToo in Mexico: women finding their voice as campaign gathers force

The backlash against sexual harassment and assault of women in Mexico was slow to get started, but thanks to a Twitter campaign, women in all professions are now beginning to speak out.
Illustration of ‘Axminster’ linoleum, in ‘Catesby’s one-piece linola squares’, Catesbys Colourful Cork Lino (1938). BADDA 181, courtesy of the Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture, Middlesex University,

Houses through time: some homes can reflect a century of social change

Some houses are like a time capsule of social history that can tell us how living standards, and fashions, have changed over the years.
Iraqi federal police at a site during the battle at Dawasa district in Mosul city, Iraq, May 24 2017. Mosul was hit by bombing raids against IS. AHMED JALIL/EPA

Syria and Iraq: RAF killed only one civilian in airstrikes – why the discrepancy with what others report?

The Ministry of Defence says the RAF killed or injured 4,315 enemy fighters in Iraq and Syria over a period with only one civilian casualty. Why do other organisations have very different numbers?


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