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University of Reading

The University of Reading is one of the UK’s leading research universities – a global institution that enjoys a world-class reputation for research, teaching and enterprise. The University was established in 1892, received its Royal Charter in 1926, and is now a leading force in British and international higher education. With five campuses across three continents, the University is now home to 1,700 academic and research staff and 19,000 students from more than 150 countries.

The University conducts research across a wide variety of areas and is particularly celebrated as a world leader in areas such as agriculture, biological sciences, built environment, European histories and cultures, meteorology and climate change, and social sciences – including via Henley Business School.

The University is committed to pursuing research excellence between and across academic areas, with more than 50 interdisciplinary research institutes and centres, many of which are recognised as international centres of excellence.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 542 articles

Homebaked, a project in Liverpool which transformed a block of disused properties into a community-run bakery, housing co-op and cultural hub.

How communities can protect and revitalise their heritage in gentrifying neighbourhoods

Where artists relocate, gentrification invariably follows, but inner city projects are showing that local communities can resurrect declining neighbourhoods through arts and culture for all.
Por décadas, a aspirina foi considerada uma maneira simples e econômica de reduzir o risco de ataques cardíacos e derrames. A ideia é simples: a aspirina afina o sangue, ajudando a evitar a formação de coágulos que podem bloquear as artérias. Entretanto, estudos recentes levantaram suspeitas sobre a segurança e a eficácia dessa abordagem, especialmente para pessoas sem histórico de doença cardíaca. AP Photo/Patrick Sison

Ainda é uma boa ideia tomar aspirina para prevenir doenças cardíacas? Veja o que dizem as evidências

Se você toma diariamente uma dose baixa de aspirina para prevenir doenças cardíacas e nunca teve problemas cardíacos antes, talvez seja melhor conversar com seu médico
Circuler au quotidien en vélo mais s'autoriser ponctuellement à voyager en avion, petit arrangement avec sa conscience écologique. Vitalinka

« Écolo, oui mais » : ces petits arrangements avec nos consciences

Après une « bonne action », on s’en autorise parfois une « mauvaise ». Cette « compensation morale » s’observe aussi sur le plan environnemental.


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