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University of Southampton

The University of Southampton is a public research university located in Southampton, United Kingdom and is a founding member of the Russell Group. It is a member of the European University Association, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and is an accredited institution of the Worldwide Universities Network. Southampton is systematically ranked in the top 15 of British universities and in the best 100 universities in the world. Besides being recognised as one of the leading research universities in the UK, Southampton has also achieved consistently high scores for its teaching and learning activities. It additionally has one of the highest proportions of income derived from research activities in Britain.


Displaying 381 - 400 of 651 articles

Méduses bleues. ProjectManhattan/Wikimedia

Comment des scientifiques trop pressés ont fait croire à une invasion de méduses

La « théorie de l’océan gluant » où les méduses envahiraient les mers du globe n’est pas très rigoureuse… Leçon de science.
A plague, or just an artefact? Jacob Gruythuysen

How time-poor scientists inadvertently made it seem like the world was overrun with jellyfish

How flawed citation practices can perpetuate scientific ideas even before they’ve been fully established as true.
Caster Semenya was withdrawn from competition in 2009 on the basis that her higher-than-normal testosterone level conferred a performance advantage. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Fair play at the Olympics: testosterone and female athletes

Until recently, women with higher-than-expected testosterone levels were declared ineligible to take part in track and field athletics.
Représentation artistique de les sources des photons uniques, les « photon guns », présenté dans l'article Nature Photonics. Niccolo Somaschi

Que la lumière soit ! Mais une particule à la fois

Dans l’étrange monde de la physique quantique, l’information est codée par des bits spéciaux : les qubits. Ils pourraient prendre la forme de particules de lumière produites par un canon de photons.


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