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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 421 - 440 of 4778 articles

Alteredsnaps / Pexels

¿El ejercicio ayuda a perder peso?

El ejercicio le ayudará a perder peso y evitará que vuelva a engordar. Pero cuidado: no le ayudará a conseguir sus objetivos de pérdida de peso de forma aislada, es decir, sin acompañarlo de una dieta adecuada.
Individu dengan tingkat stres menengah hingga tinggi kerap mengalami penurunan produktivitas. Ratana21/Shutterstock

Kesehatan mental punya peranan besar dalam perekonomian – kita membutuhkan tolak ukur selain PDB

Kesehatan mental memainkan peran penting dalam produktivitas, tetapi sering diabaikan. Untuk mempertahankan pertumbuhan ekonomi, Indonesia harus memperhitungkan kesejahteraan rakyatnya.
People with moderate to high distress levels are associated with lower productivity.. Ratana21/Shutterstock

Mental health plays a big role in advancing the economy - we need a measure beyond GDP

Mental health plays a significant role in productivity but is often overlooked. To maintain its promising economic growth, Indonesia must put its people’s well-being into the calculation.
pexels alteredsnaps

Does exercise help you lose weight?

I’m frequently asked ‘does exercise help you lose weight, or is it just diet?’ Like with most things to do with losing weight, the answer is: it’s complicated.


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