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University of Tennessee

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is Tennessee’s flagship land-grant university. UT serves the state, the nation, and the world by educating students, enhancing culture, and making a difference in people’s lives through research and service. The university’s world-class faculty and broad-ranging partnerships, including its relationship with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, play a critical role in attracting top students.

We embody excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, creative activity, outreach, and engagement. Our research portfolio is broad and varied, ranging from projects that advance the development of hypersonic vehicles to those that further STEM education in East Tennessee and study Antarctica as a means of better understanding Mars.


Displaying 21 - 40 of 228 articles

Daoism, which emphasizes harmony with nature, can inform individuals on their relationship with the environment. Ma Yuan 'Walking on Path in Spring.' National Palace Museum via Wikimedia Commons

What Taoism teaches about the body and being healthy

A scholar of Daoist rituals explains how the indigenous tradition of China understands the human body as being part of the larger cosmos.
A Lotus Sutra scroll praising the manifold mercies of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Universal Gateway chapter of the Lotus Sutra/Calligrapher: Sugawara Mitsushige/The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection

The Lotus Sutra − an ancient Buddhist scripture from the 3rd century − continues to have relevance today

For many Buddhists today, both in East Asia and across the world, the Lotus Sutra offers religious support for various gender identities.
Scientists still debate the origins of Earth’s life-sustaining elements. BlackJack3D/E+ via Getty Images

Earth may have had all the elements needed for life within it all along − contrary to theories that these elements came from meteorites

Scientists analyzing isotope ratios have found that many of the elements that make up life could be left over from Earth’s formation.
Voters in a county election, 1854. Etching by John Sartain after painting by George Caleb Bingham; National Gallery of Art

Why Franklin, Washington and Lincoln considered American democracy an ‘experiment’ – and were unsure if it would survive

Is American democracy an ‘experiment’ in the bubbling-beakers-in-a-laboratory sense of the word? If so, what is the experiment attempting to prove, and how will we know if and when it has succeeded?


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