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University of Tennessee

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is Tennessee’s flagship land-grant university. UT serves the state, the nation, and the world by educating students, enhancing culture, and making a difference in people’s lives through research and service. The university’s world-class faculty and broad-ranging partnerships, including its relationship with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, play a critical role in attracting top students.

We embody excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, creative activity, outreach, and engagement. Our research portfolio is broad and varied, ranging from projects that advance the development of hypersonic vehicles to those that further STEM education in East Tennessee and study Antarctica as a means of better understanding Mars.


Displaying 81 - 100 of 228 articles

‘Earthrise,’ a photo of the Earth taken by Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders, Dec. 4, 1968. NASA/Bill Anders via Wikipedia

Will the Earth last forever?

The Earth isn’t permanent, but it was here for four billion years before humans arrived and should be here for several billion more.
The estimated cost of President Biden’s student loan cancellation program is $430 billion. Douglas Rissing via Getty Images

Student debt cancellation program in jeopardy as Supreme Court justices hear arguments

An estimated 40 million borrowers could be affected by a pair of cases before the Supreme Court that could block the Biden administration’s plan to cancel student debt.
A view of the destruction in Antakya, Turkey, caused by the recent earthquake. AP Photo/Hussein Malla

Turkey’s historic city of Antakya, known in Roman and medieval times as Antioch, has been flattened by powerful earthquakes in the past – and rebuilt itself

A historian of the late Roman world, who visited earthquake-devastated Antakya several times, writes about the city’s rich history and recovery after being devastated in the past.
Videojuegos de Atari y Centipede desenterrados en 2014 durante una excavación en un vertedero de Nuevo México (EE. UU). Taylorhatmaker / Flickr

¿Qué tienen en común Atari y Bitcoin? El efecto de las imitaciones en las obras tecnológicas

Replicar lo existente forma parte del proceso creativo, pero la proliferación indiscriminada de plagios de un producto confunde a usuarios e inversores y puede llegar a provocar la desaparición del original.
¿Será la IA tu próxima compañera de trabajo… o tu sustituta? PhonlamaiPhoto/iStock via Getty Images

La IA y el futuro del trabajo: cinco expertos hablan de ChatGPT, DALL-E y otras herramientas de creación y conocimiento

Ahora que los sistemas de IA pueden generar imágenes realistas y prosa convincente, ¿los trabajadores creativos están en peligro o a punto de aumentar su productividad? No está claro.


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