WRI Indonesia is part of WRI global network. WRI is a global research organization that spans more than 50 countries, with offices in the United States, China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and more. Our more than 700 experts and staff work closely with leaders to turn big ideas into action to sustain our natural resources—the foundation of economic opportunity and human well-being.
Our work focuses on six critical issues at the intersection of environment and development: climate, energy, food, forests, water, and cities and transport.
Nelayan lokal dengan perahu kecil tidak banyak berperan dalam tata kelola kelautan dan perikanan Indonesia, meskipun peran mereka penting dalam perlindungan laut.
Indonesians are consuming more and more processed foods, including sugary drinks, salty snacks, junk food, and unhealthy fats. These changes take a toll on people’s health, as well as the environment…
Lars Laestadius, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Chris Reij, World Resources Institute, and Dennis Garrity, Center for International Forestry Research – World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Africa’s Great Green Wall must immediately speed up to meet the needs of people along the edges of the Sahara Desert.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, we must seize the opportunity to make urban centers more livable places by investing in affordable housing, basic services, clean energy and active transport.
Pemerintahan Jokowi merestorasi lahan gambut sejak 2016. Namun, kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut tetap terjadi di area yang sudah direstorasi. Apa penyebabnya?
Indonesia telah mengumumkan aturan moratorium hutan berlaku permanen untuk hutan alam dan lahan gambut, Berikut tiga keuntungan dari kebijakan tersebut.
Banjir dan longsor yang ratusan kali terjadi di Indonesia setiap tahun. Meniadakan isu perubahan iklim dalam pembangunan nasional dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang lebih besar di masa depan.