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Articles on Rock art

Displaying 1 - 20 of 47 articles

Cave art site of Leang Karampuang in the Maros-Pangkep karst area of South Sulawesi. A rock art panel on the ceiling depicting three human-like figures interacting with a wild pig dates to at least 51,200 years ago. David P. McGahan

Found in a cave in Indonesia, we can now show the world’s oldest figurative art is 51,200 years old

Figurative art presents lifelike representations of subjects. Using a new laser technique, we’ve dated figurative rock art painted 51,200 years ago.
The view from the Arnhem Land escarpment over the floodplains that contain a hidden landscape. Ian Moffat

Remarkable new tech has revealed the ancient landscape of Arnhem Land that greeted Australia’s First Peoples

Beneath the floodplains of Arnhem Land lies a hidden landscape that has been transformed over millennia as seas rose and fell.
Chiribiquete National Natural Park and the Serranía de la Lindosa buffer zone feature many flat-topped mountains known as Tepuyes. Unesco

In a Colombian national park, pictographs and pristine nature point the way toward a more hopeful future

Local communities and national authorities are working to develop sustainable tourism in Colombia’s Chiribiquete National Natural Park, a Unesco World Heritage Site since 2018.
Indigenous Rangers pointing to damaged rock art. Left to right: William Campbell, Meryl Gurruwiwi, Aron Thorn, Marcus Lacey, Djorri Gurruwiwi. Jarrad Kowlessar/courtesy of Gumurr Marthakal Indigenous Rangers

From crumbling rock art to exposed ancestral remains, climate change is ravaging our precious Indigenous heritage

Cyclones, floods and other climate change-linked events are threatening Indigenous heritage tens of thousands of years old. Unless we act, they’ll be gone for good.
Josie Maralngurra touching her hand stencil made when she was around 12. In the background are three white barramundi fish figures with red line-work also created by her father Djimongurr. Photograph by Fiona McKeague, copyright Parks Australia

Friday essay: ‘this is our library’ – how to read the amazing archive of First Nations stories written on rock

Australia’s stunning galleries of rock art are vast repositories of knowledge that can teach us much.

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