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Professor of Marketing, Business & Public Enterprise, Head of the Marketing Subject Group, Cambridge Judge Business School

Research interests are primarily in marketing strategy and quantitative marketing, including: health care markets; innovation and market entry; customer and employee relationship management; pharmaceutical R&D, retail chain expansion and growth; and social enterprises in emerging markets.
Specific interests are health-related consumption decisions; market entry, retail chain expansion and firm size dynamics; role of experience spillovers and alliances in pharmaceutical R&D and innovation; effect of employee engagement on customer satisfaction and retention; distortions due to moral hazard & adverse selection in health care markets; and how social enterprises balance their “double bottom line” in resource scarce emerging markets.
Academic and methodological interests include dynamic structural models, estimation of games of strategic interaction, matching estimators, asymmetric information & incomplete markets, simulation based econometric methods, and reinforcement learning.
Subject group: Marketing


  • –present
    Professor of Marketing, Business & Public Enterprise, Head of the Marketing Subject Group, Cambridge Judge Business School