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Associate Professor, University of Tasmania

Aidan Davison is an Associate Professor in human geography and environmental studies. Aidan is fascinated and troubled by contested concepts of 'nature', 'development', ‘technology’ and 'sustainability'. In his nationally awarded teaching and interdisciplinary research, he seeks to inquire into environmental sustainability and social justice as a unified goal. He has published two books and over seventy articles and chapters presenting theoretical, quantitative and qualitative inquiry on diverse topics including the urban forest, suburban history, environmentalism, climate change attitudes, the Anthropocene, practical reasoning and education for sustainability.


  • 2007–2019
    Associate professor, University of Tasmania


  • 1999 
    Murdoch University, PhD

Grants and Contracts

  • 2018
    Owning nature: mapping the contested country of private protected areas
    Lead-Chief Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Australian Research Council
  • 2013
    Caring for thoroughbreds: Addressing social, economic and welfare issues in international horse racing
    Chief Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Australian Research Council
  • 2011
    Australia's Changing Urban Tree Estate: A Socio-ecological Study of Patterns, Causes and Consequences
    Chief Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Australian Research Council
  • 2006
    Encounters with Urban Nature in Australia
    Chief Investigator
    Funding Source:
    Australian Research Council

Professional Memberships

  • Australian Institute of Geographers