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Researcher, Conservation biology, University of Guelph

I am a conservation biologist with an interest in wildlife health and how environmental contaminants affect species-at-risk. I have worked on projects across Canada and on different species (bats, whales, and butterflies), focusing on how disease and environmental stressors impact animal behaviour and life history. I completed my PhD at the University of Guelph, where I studied the effects of clothianidin, a major agricultural chemical in the neonicotinoid family, on monarch butterfliy migration, development, and reproductive capacity. More recently, I have expanded my focus to collaborate on projects in science policy and knowledge weaving as a means to improve conservation efforts.


  • 2020–present
    Wildlife Health Specialist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • 2020–2020
    Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Guelph


  • 2020 
    University of Guelph, Doctor of Philosophy - Integrative Biology