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Senior Lecturer in Psychology, City St George's, University of London

I'm trying to understand the social behaviour of humans from the mundane to the magnificent, from the best to the worst and everything in between. Specifically, I'm interested how the unavoidable uncertainty in all our social decisions affects our behaviour, how and when we are influenced by others, and how we learn about ourselves and others.

My approach is one that is situated between psychology, neuroscience, and behavioural economics. As a social psychologist, I focus on the circumstances: what are the situations when people are, for instance, likely to cooperate and what are the situations when people are likely to cheat? And I'm trying then to use my neuroscientific training to understand how the psychological mechanisms that support the behaviour are implemented in the brain. I often use economic decisions and experiments inspired by behavioural economic approaches to study social behaviours.


  • –present
    Research Fellow, University of Oxford