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Clinical Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry, Swansea University

Ann John's is a medical psychiatric epidemiologist and former GP with a background in public health. Her main areas of interest are the epidemiology and prevention of suicide , self harm and the mental health of children and young people. She chairs the National Advisory Group to Welsh Government on Suicide an Self harm prevention.
She is a Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry at Swansea University Medical School and leads on the MQ funded Adolescent Data Platform. She is a Principal Investigator at the National Centre for Mental Health, leading on the informatics work stream.She has an extensive experience of leading large-scale mental health informatics studies with a focus on inequalities . She has a strength in translating research into policy and practice with extensive media and government engagement.


  • –present
    Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry, Swansea University


  • 2014 
    Swansea University, Medical Doctorate