Founded in 1920, Swansea University is a research-led, dual campus university located along Swansea Bay in south Wales, UK. Its stunning beachfront campuses and friendly welcome make Swansea University a desirable destination for more than 22,000 students from across the globe. There are three academic faculties, delivering around 450 undergraduate and 350 postgraduate degree programmes.
As a UK top 30 institution, Swansea’s interdisciplinary research, led by pioneering academics and utilising cutting-edge facilities, help people adapt to change, and improve their lives. In the 2021 Research Excellence Framework, 86% of Swansea University’s overall research and 91% of its research environment were classed as world-leading and internationally excellent, with 86% of its research impact rated outstanding and very considerable.
New research reveals that the human heart has evolved distinct structural and functional traits that set it apart from our closest great ape relatives.
Una violencia racista sin precedentes sacude el Reino Unido tras la muerte a puñaladas de tres chicas el 29 de julio. Los falsos rumores están incendiando Internet y las calles: ¿cómo acabar con ellos?
Des violences racistes inédites frappent le Royaume-Uni, après la mort de 3 fillettes tuées au couteau, le 29 juillet dernier. De fausses rumeurs enflamment les réseaux et les rues : comment les déconstruire ?
Governments can collaborate to deal with global climate change and advocate for the rights of people in developing countries through the Climate Vulnerable Forum.
Los autores de un reciente estudio utilizaron sensores ubicados en satélites para identificar los incendios “más extremos” de todo el mundo y observaron que son cada vez más intensos.