Dr Anne-Marie Day was appointed as Criminology Lecturer at Keele University in December 2019. Immediately prior to this Anne-Marie completed a research study funded by the Nuffield Foundation on the pathways into and out of custody for children in care. Anne-Marie completed her PhD at the end of 2018 which considered the pathways into offending for children in care. In addition to this Anne-Marie gained several years’ experience teaching a range of criminology and criminal justice modules in a number of different higher education institutions. Anne-Marie also has many years’ experience as a practitioner and policy maker in a range of criminal justice roles. She is a qualified Probation Officer, and has worked in the community, courts and prison. Anne-Marie has also worked as a youth justice manager and for the Youth Justice Board as a Senior Policy Adviser in the areas of Prevent, Looked After Children, Domestic Abuse and Anti-Social Behaviour. Currently, Anne-Marie is a board member on the Alliance for Youth Justice and is an expert adviser to the Howard League for Penal Reform, the Youth Justice Board, Cheshire Youth Justice Service, and the Home Office on various youth justice issues.