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Antía Gómez Armesto

Investigador postdoctoral en el área de Edafología y Química Agrícola, Universidade de Vigo

Doctorate (March 2021) specialized in the study of the mercury distribution in non-contaminated podzolic forest soils from different latitudes, its association to pedogenetic processes, and the role of different soil components in Hg mobilization/immobilization. I also have experience in the study of litterfall as transference vector of atmospheric Hg to terrestrial ecosystems, and its contribution to the accumulation of Hg in the uppermost horizons of forest soils.
During the predoctoral period, I did a 3-month stay in the Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany) supervised by Prof. Harald Biester and one and a half-month stay in the Environmental Chemistry and Water Studies Institute (IDAEA-CSIC, Spain) supervised by Dr. Sergi Díez. I deeply learnt to use different Hg autoanalyzers for solid and aqueous samples based on atomic absorption and fluorescence cold vapour spectrometry (CVAAS, CVAFS) such as MA-2000, AMA-254, DMA-80, DMA-80L, and FMA-80. I also have capacity for methylmercury analyzing with Tekran Model 2700 by GC-CVAFS.
I am the first author of 6 Hg-related articles published in JCR journals such as Environmental Pollution, Geoderma, Journal of Environmental Management or Environmental Research. I am also co-author of another ten publications present in relevant journals. Influential research: 81 citations. H index: 5.


  • –present
    Investigador postdoctoral en el área de Edafología y Química Agrícola, Universidade de Vigo


  • 2021 
    Universidad de Vigo, Doctora en Ciencia y Tecnología Agroalimentaria