I am a Senior Lecturer in Comparative Social Science at the UCL Institute of Education, where I work in the Department of Education, Practice and Society. I am Director of the Centre for Global Youth and a Contributing Academic to the ESRC Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES).
My research focuses on the evolution of civic attitudes and agency during youth, and I am involved in a range of projects that explore this theme from a comparative, inter-disciplinary and mixed-method perspective.
As part of this research agenda, I am leading the sixth wave of the Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study (CELS), which is now being administered by the IoE. The CELS data plays an important role in the LLAKES project 'The crisis for contemporary youth: Young people, opportunities and civic values in the UK.' I recently completed an ESRC Future Leaders fellowship which looked at the relationship between society, schools and youth civic engagement. I am building on this project by examining young people's attitudes towards, and aspirations after, Brexit (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/departments-centres/centres/centre-for-global-youth/from-post-national-to-post-european).