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Associate professor, IE University

Barah Mikaïl is an Associate Professor of International Security at Saint Louis University Madrid Campus and at IE University and director of the Observatory on Contemporary Crises. He is also the founder of Stractegia, a Madrid-based consulting company that provides advice on the Geopolitics of the MENA region and on Spanish politics.

He was senior researcher on Middle East and North Africa and on Water Issues at the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS) in Paris (2002-2011) and senior researcher on MENA issues at FRIDE (2011-2015) in Madrid. Barah has been Professor at the Collège Interarmées de Défense at the French Ministry of Defence (2005-2007); at the Université Paris-8 Saint-Denis (since 2005); and at Sciences-Po Lille (2004-2005). In 2003, he also worked as an analyst on Middle East issues at the French Ministry of Defence. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis; an MA in Political Science from the Université Paris Dauphine; and an MA in International Relations and an MA in Arab and Islamic Civilisations from the Université Marc Bloch.

He specialises in the Middle East and North Africa region, covering topics such as EU and US policies, and security, political and economic issues. Other areas of expertise include ethnicity, tribalism and Islam in the Arab world, and water political issues and stakes.

Barah Mikail has written extensively on the Middle East and North Africa. He has also authored four books :
- "La politique américaine au Moyen-Orient" (American Policy in the Middle East), Dalloz, 2006;
- "L’eau, source de menaces ?" (Water as a source of threat?), Dalloz, 2008;
- "La Syrie en cinquante mots-clés" (Syria in 50 Key Words), L’Harmattan/Comprendre le Moyen-Orient, 2009;
- "Une nécessaire relecture du "Printemps arabe"" (A Necessary Rereading of the "Arab Spring"", Editions du Cygne, 2012.


  • 2015–present
    Associate Professor, Saint Louis University - Madrid Campus
  • 2017–present
    Professor, IE University
  • 2016–present
    Director, Stractegia Consulting