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Barnabas Ticha Muvhuti

PhD in Art History, Rhodes University

My PhD research highlighted the relative invisibility of Job Kekana, Sam Songo, Cornelius Manguma, Lazarus Khumalo, Joram Mariga, and John Hlatywayo in the dominant discourse of the development of modern art in Rhodesia and early independent Zimbabwe. The named individuals played an important role in the development of modern art in the country. I am also interested in tracing artistic lineages which emerged out of Zimbabwe's early modern art schools, especially from the Cyrene Workshop and the Kekana School of Art and Craft.

I regularly contribute reviews, exhibition statements, conversations with artists and curators, and opinion pieces to several art platforms.

I also write about my experiences and those of other African migrants living and working in South Africa.

I contributed to the 'African Artists: From 1882 to Now' and 'ArtThrob: 25 Years of Art Writing in South Africa' books.

Publication: 'Wallen Mapondera's Conceptual Art: Reflections on Zimbabwe's November 2017 Bloodless Coup d'etat and Beyond'. Third Text Journal.


  • 2021–2022
    Research assistant, Zeitz MOCAA Museum (Curatorial Department)
  • 2016–2018
    Research assistant, Centre for Curating the Archive, University of Cape Town


  • 2023 
    Rhodes University, Doctor of Philosophy in Art History