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Rhodes University

Founded in 1904, Rhodes University is a well-established University located in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

It is a small research intensive university which enjoys the distinction of having amongst the best undergraduate pass and graduation rates in South Africa, outstanding postgraduate success rates, and the best research output per academic staff member.

The University takes pride in its motto, Where Leaders Learn, and in producing graduates who are knowledgeable intellectuals, skilled professionals, and critical, caring and compassionate citizens who can contribute to economic and social development and an equitable, just and democratic society.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 251 articles

Le moyen de défense le plus efficace contre le cancer du col de l'utérus est la vaccination contre le papillomavirus. Getty Images

Qu'est-ce que le cancer du col de l'utérus et comment peut-on le prévenir ? Réponses aux questions clés

Le papillomavirus humain est la principale cause du cancer du col de l'utérus, mais toutes les personnes infectées ne développent pas la maladie.
The most effective defence against cervical cancer is HPV vaccination. Getty Images

What is cervical cancer and how can it be prevented? Answers to key questions

The human papillomavirus is the primary cause of cervical cancer – but not all infected individuals develop the disease.
Ultra by Darkroom Contemporary is a dance production at the 50th edition of the National Arts Festival. Oscar O. Ryan

South Africa’s biggest arts festival turns 50 – we assess its impact

South Africa’s National Arts Festival’s economic impact on its host city, Makhanda, is estimated to be US$4.5 million a year. But it also makes an impact on a social and an artistic level.
Less than 10% of South African homes have installed solar power. Nattrass/Getty Images

Home solar systems in South Africa: more will be installed if households are given loans, free maintenance and security

Only 5% of South Africa’s energy comes from solar power while 85% is generated from coal. Loans, more subsidies and security for rooftop solar panels need to be put in place.
Getty Images

Pourquoi dort-on généralement la nuit ? Que se passe-t-il lorsqu'on ne dort pas ? Conseils d'experts sur cette partie essentielle de notre vie

Le sommeil est un élément essentiel de la vie. Que se passe-t-il lorsque l'on ne dort pas assez et comment s'assurer que l'on dort suffisamment ?
Getty Images

Why do we usually sleep at night? What happens when we don’t sleep? Expert insights into this essential part of our lives

Sleep is an essential part of life. What happens when we don’t get enough sleep and how do we ensure that we do?
White sharks are migrating to survive. Morne Hardenberg.

South Africa’s great white sharks are changing locations – they need to be monitored for beach safety and conservation

South Africa’s white shark population is not in decline but migrating to survive.


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