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Bennett is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. His current work engages the fields of climate politics, historical dialogue, and restorative justice, examining the role of historical forms of violence and land dispossession in creating the conditions for climate change, while also addressing calls for climate justice from communities impacted by this violence.

For over the past decade, he has committed his work to collaborative research practice, often qualifying the impact of settler colonial/imperialist violence waged against Indigenous and rural communities in North America and East Africa. In 2016, with Prof. Ali Watson at the University of St Andrews, they founded the Third Generation Project, a think tank dedicated to addressing gaps in research and education around the causes and impacts of climate change.


    University of St Andrews, PhD in International Relations
    University of Oxford, MSc in African Studies
    University of St Andrews, MA in International Relations, first class