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Professor / Lead Substance use research group, Glasgow Caledonian University

Professor Carol Emslie leads the Substance Use & Misuse research group (@SubMisuseGcu) within the School of Health & Life Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU). After joining GCU in 2012, she was selected for Scottish Crucible, a development programme for Scotland's research leaders. She now leads GCU Crucible (@GCUCrucible) which aims to develop outward-facing early career researchers who can communicate their research to the public, policy makers & practitioners. Her research focuses on gender and alcohol consumption. Recent projects involve translating complex findings about gender and alcohol into infographics (funded by Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems), a social media campaign with Alcohol Focus Scotland higlighting the cynical marketing of alcohol to women (#dontpinkmydrink) and a qualitative project exploring the impact of lowering Scotland’s drink drive limit (funded by CSO).


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer, Institute for Applied Health Research, Glasgow Caledonian University