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Director of the University of Sydney Voice Research Laboratory, University of Sydney

Cate is a voice specialist, speech pathologist and university lecturer and researcher. She specializes in the area of experimental and applied clinical research into the processes and efficacy of voice training for professional voice users and people with functional voice disorders.
She was awarded her PhD in 2008 following successful completion of a large research project investigating whether vocalists trained to manipulated specific muscular parameters of their voice, were perceived to have a specific personality traits as a result of the change in their voice. The research findings were remarkable in revealing that listeners make specific personality attributions based on voice quality alone and further the negative impact of voice disorders that change vocal quality. These findings also provide significant evidence for the efficacy and impact of voice training to not only train specific muscular movements of the larynx, but to change listener perceptions of personality via the resultant change in voice quality. This research has been of significant public interest and Cate has conducted numerous radio and newspaper interviews.
Cate's reserach findings have been disseminated via national and international conference presentations and publication in an international peer-reviewed journal

She is currently manger and director of the University of Sydney Voice Research Laboratory. She maintains her interest in clinical work via clinical support of voice clients in the Communication Disorders Treatment & Research Clinic at Lidcombe, support of public hospital voice clinics, private practice and membership of the numerous national and international voice associations.


  • 2006–present
    Director of the University of Sydney Voice Research Laboratory, Lecturer in Voice, University of Sydney


  • 2008 
    University of Sydney, PhD
  • 1998 
    University of Sydney, BApp(Sc) Speech Pathology (HonsM)
  • 1991 
    Flinders University of South Australia, BA (Hons) performance Studies


  • 2011
    The Vocal Clarity of Female Speech-Language Pathology Students: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Voice (in press)
  • 2011
    The Management of Vocal Fold Nodules in Children: A National Survey of Speech Language Pathologists, International Journal of Speech Language Pathology.
  • 2010
    Differentiated Vocal Tract Control & Reliability of Interpretations of Nasendoscopic Assessment, Journal of Voice,24, 3, Pp 337-345
  • 2010
    Voice Therapy Prepractice and The Principles of Motor learning., ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing 12, (1), P 29-32
  • 2008
    The acoustic effects of actor voice training after 12 months of actor training. , Journal of Voice, 22, (3), 300-313

Research Areas

  • Clinical Sciences Not Elsewhere Classified (110399)
  • Rehabilitation And Therapy (Excl. Physiotherapy) (110321)
  • Otorhinolaryngology (110315)


University of Sydney University Medal, 1998.