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Science Manager, Global Water Futures, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Chris DeBeer is the Science Manager for the Global Water Futures (GWF; Program and the International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology (INARCH; He has worked as an assistant, and later as research associate, at the Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan beginning in 2010, initially helping to establish and define the research agenda of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Water Security. He later managed and contributed scientifically to the Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN), an NSERC-funded network that was recently completed and had the aims of improving understanding and prediction of the changing climate, environment, and water cycling over western Canada. His background includes a B.Sc. (honours) degree in Physical Geography from the University of Saskatchewan (2004), an M.Sc. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Alberta (2006), and a Ph.D. in Hydrology from the University of Saskatchewan (2012). Chris' research interests are in cold regions hydrology and glaciology, with a focus on mountain regions.


  • 2016–present
    Science Manager, Global Water Futures, University of Saskatchewan
  • 2017–present
    Science Manager, International Network for Alpine Research Catchment Hydrology, University of Saskatchewan
  • 2013–2018
    Project Manager, Changing Cold Regions Network, University of Saskatchewan


  • 2012 
    University of Saskatchewan, Ph.D.
  • 2006 
    University of Alberta, M.Sc.
  • 2004 
    University of Saskatchewan, B.Sc. (honours)


  • 2019
    A review and synthesis of future Earth system change in the interior of western Canada: Part I - climate and meteorology, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - Discussions
  • 2018
    Hydrometeorological data from Marmot Creek Research Basin, Canadian Rockies, Earth System Science Data
  • 2018
    Canada in the Global Water World: Analysis of Capabilities, UNU-INWEH Report Series
  • 2017
    Influence of snowpack and melt energy heterogeneity on snow cover depletion and snowmelt runoff simulation in a cold mountain environment, Journal of Hydrology
  • 2016
    Recent climatic, cryospheric, and hydrological changes over the interior of western Canada: a review and synthesis, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
  • 2015
    The changing water cycle: the Boreal Plains ecozone of Western Canada, WIREs Water
  • 2015
    The Changing Cold Regions Network: Observation, diagnosis and prediction of environmental change in the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie River Basins, Canada, Science China Earth Sciences
  • 2010
    Simulation of the snowmelt runoff contributing area in a small alpine basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
  • 2009
    Modelling snow melt and snowcover depletion in a small alpine cirque, Canadian Rocky Mountains, Hydrological Processes
  • 2009
    Modelling alpine snow hydrology in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Proceedings of the 77th Western Snow Conference
  • 2009
    Topographic influences on recent changes of very small glaciers in the Monashee Mountains, British Columbia, Canada, Journal of Glaciology
  • 2008
    Rainfall-runoff hydrograph characteristics in a discontinuous permafrost watershed and their relation to ground thaw, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Permafrost
  • 2007
    Recent changes in glacier area and volume within the southern Canadian Cordillera, Annals of Glaciology

Professional Memberships

  • American Geophysical Union
  • Canadian Geophysical Union
  • International Glaciological Society